Jim Huey was a Dobro player in many of the bands around Cincinnati. He filled in with both Muddy River and the Katie Laur Band on the Aunt Maudie’s Back CD. He and Trina Emig did a banjo and Dobro CD in 2004 titled A Reason To Play. He appeared on Ma Crow’s CD Smoky Junction in 2011. In 1975, he was appearing with a bluegrass band, the Green Valley Cutups, in an unlikely setting: a New Orleans bar called the Maple Leaf Blues Club. Shortly after that, he was playing in the Hill Country Ramblers, a band fronted by author and historian Bill Malone. In the 1990s, he was appearing with the Dr. Dobro Band at Arnold’s Bar and Grill in downtown Cincinnati. In 2011, he was appearing in Cincinnati with Wayne Luessen and Emily Hogeback. In recent years, he appeared with Melvin Goins when he played the area.

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