LAKE, STEVE (c.1943-)

Steve Lake promoted bluegrass and country shows at Chautauqua Park, between Miamisburg and Franklin, during the late 1960s. These shows were on a par with shows at other country music parks around the eastern and midwestern United States and were only discontinued because the park was sold and Steve wasn’t allowed the opportunity to buy it, even though he submitted the highest bid. After Chautauqua, he promoted the All-Ohio Bluegrass Festival at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Dayton and bluegrass and country shows at Dayton’s Memorial Hall and other venues. He was one of the owners of Lake Jewelry in Franklin, which for a long time was a source for bluegrass and country records and CDs. He is a bass player and has maintained a country band (the Swingmasters) for many years. They backed Connie Smith and other nationally known artists and played as the house band at various shows around the Dayton area. He was also involved with Delbert Barker in Central Records in Middletown, and in running an Opry-type show in Middletown.

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