Along with Mike Lilly, mandolin player Wendy Miller was part of one of Larry Sparks’ finest bands. They backed Larry during the early years and later recorded four LPs on their own for Old Homestead. Wendy was the composer of “Kentucky Chimes,” a popular banjo and mandolin instrumental they recorded while with Larry. Originally from Campton, Kentucky, Wendy credits well-known Michigan musician Nolan Faulkner with teaching him mandolin. Wendy also became known as a fine craftsman of hand-made mandolins. He played also with the Russell Brothers and with J.D. Crowe and the New South. After leaving the New South, he filled in with various bands. He and Mike Lilly re-formed their old band, the Country Grass. After Mike Lilly dropped out, Wendy continued on with his son Chris Miller playing guitar and singing lead.

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